
Hey there,

zannet photo- about page of skinhow website

This Zannet. I am a general category expert in Skincare. What’s that you say?

Well, let me tell you why my friends and acquaintances in my circle turn to me for skincare advice despite having no formal training or being part of any professional organization.

For starters, I am a 40-year-old mother to a teenage daughter. I have lived in most major Indian cities – across all the weathers. On top of that, I have a vast social circle. With the way I have been raised, what I believe is the sign of good health, and many other things, is glowing, good-textured skin.

And if you have faced humid or dry or cold or just changing weather, you know – it plays games with our bodies. Hormones from inside and skin from outside. Many a time, too much to ignore.

Faced with this issue, I have scored through dozens of materials, guides, videos, and talks ( I still do) on skin care. It’s nearly 20+ years of constant learning and experimenting that makes me what I am today.

I bought this domain – skinhow.org, from an acquaintance who had the previous owner in the circle. He just mentioned that when this domain was for sale, I instantly thought of asking you to take it up and share what you know with a broader audience.

So, that’s what this website is all about. To share my knowledge about skincare routines and things to care for for different ages and weather conditions. Do share your feedback in the comment section or our Facebook group.

If you have a guide to share, I will happily publish it under your name. You can find the editorial guidelines here.